Categories: Eye Care

Fast Facts About Hyperopia You Need to Know

Refractive errors are usually caused by structural irregularities in your eyes. They impact your visual acuity, which can also inhibit your overall quality of life. One common refractive error you may have heard of is hyperopia, more popularly referred to as farsightedness. In today’s post, your leading provider of designer eyeglasses and other high-quality eye care services, Downtown Eyes, explains everything you need to know about hyperopia.

  • Did you know that approximately 14 million Americans are farsighted? Hyperopia is usually detected during childhood, but can also develop in adulthood.
  • Heredity is one of the major risk factors for hyperopia development. If any of your family members are farsighted, you are more likely to develop the condition yourself.
  • Hyperopia occurs when the distance between your retina and cornea is too short. This causes light rays to focus behind the retina, instead of directly on it.
  • As a result, you may have a hard time seeing nearby objects clearly. You may also find it difficult to read books, finish a puzzle, or cook your favorite dishes. Your top rated eye doctor warns that you may experience headaches, nausea, and dizziness when doing close-range work as well.
  • Your far-range viewing ease, however, will remain sharp. You will have no problems reading street signs or recognizing faces from afar.
  • If you experience any of these symptoms, we suggest visiting your eye care specialist as soon as possible. We will perform a comprehensive eye exam, which may include refraction and retinoscopy tests, to confirm if you have hyperopia.

If we find signs of farsightedness, we may prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses to improve your visual acuity. Corrective eyewear compensates for your eyes’ structural infirmities, allowing you to see nearby objects clearly.

For more information about hyperopia, call us at (612) 333-EYES (3937) or complete our form. We serve Minneapolis, MN.

Dr. Mary Ann Zastrow

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