eye exam

Allergy-Related Dry Eye: What You Need to Know

Tears keep your eyes nourished, lubricated and healthy. They protect your eyes from dirt, dust and debris, helping prevent irritation…

6 months ago

Toy-Related Eye Injuries: What Every Parent Needs to Know

Play enhances a young individual's mental, physical, social and emotional well-being. It helps them learn how to be confident, resilient…

2 years ago

Is It True That Your Eyes Need to Breathe?

While it's common knowledge that your body needs oxygen to stay healthy, many people still don't know how crucial it…

2 years ago

Contact Lens Fitting Appointment: What Should You Expect?

A comprehensive eye exam can detect refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. You can choose between eyeglasses and contact lenses if…

2 years ago

How to Take a Proactive Approach to Your Child’s Eye Health

Your child's eyesight will go through several changes as they grow. With the help of your pediatrician, you can monitor…

2 years ago